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Strain Review: Pizazz by B-Eazy Buds

Whats up party people, today on the rolling tray for review we have Pizazz from @b_eazybuds3.0

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: B-Eazy Buds

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Pizazz Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

It was tough deciding in which order to review these strains so I saved the sweetest most candy smelling one for last which brings us to this frosty Pizazz.

The Nose when cracking the bag open is a sweet chalky sugary almost bubblegum with a lingering soapy undertone. However when breaking these buds down in the grinder the soapy nose comes more to the forefront initially until the lingering sweet citrus candy leaks out as it sits broken down waiting to be rolled up. The volume isn’t crazy loud it’s more of a subtle aroma that creeps in with a burning astringency rather than smacking you in the face. It kind of reminds me of the original Runtz cut but with more citrus in the candy.

This sample was made up of 6 medium sized buds. Semi-loosely formed,with a soft texture reminiscent of a gelato 33 structure, with kiefy trichs over purple and pale green buds

The taste was mild but pleasant with a general candy sweetness similar to the taste of a Necco wafers chalky sugar. This along with a soapiness on the exhale. This however only lasted for the the first 2/3 of the Joint before starting to turn bitter and slighy harsh as the resin increased.

The effects came on nicely relaxing my body without completely couch locking me as the cerebral effects provided a nice calm euphoric lift, with gentle pressure behind the eyes lastingfor about 90mins. A happy head high and relaxed body making this a great chill movie strain.

Overall while having a couple notes for improvement, I enjoyed the effects and would try this again.

As for criticism, the taste going bitter while still having a sizeable piece of joint left is a bummer as I’m a big flavor guy so I definitely gotta ding it there and the potency could be better as 90mins is a bit shallow on flight time.
The fact that @b_eazybuds3.0
Is taking time to get samples out for honest feedback tells me he wants the best selections for his brand so I feel like these 2 things should improve in future batches which is something I look forward to seeing, give this a try for yourself and lemme know what you thought, Staymedicated🤙

pizazz by b-eazy buds strain review by chauncey_thecannaseur

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