Strain Review: Platinum Animal Cookies by Phyre
Platinum Animal Cookies grown by @lightyourphyre is a new hybrid I picked up at #EugeneOG –
Lineage/Genetics: Girl Scout Cookies x Fire OG
Original Breeder: Phyre
Grower: Phyre
Dispensary: Eugene OG
Platinum Animal Cookies Strain Review
The Caryophyllene and Limonene terpenes are off the chart with this beast! As soon as I popped open the lid and the ridiculously pungent smell of citrus and skunk filled the room, I knew I was in for a special treat. Grinding these buds up resulted in an ultra fine powder so stinky it made my eyes water! Vaping Platinum Animal Cookies is a real pleasure and completely retains it’s spicy cinnamon and orange flavor.
However, smoking this baby is refreshingly smooth and produces a spicy skunk taste with earthy undertones. The initial head rush quickly stabilizes into an alert and focused mental state accompanied by a mellow body high. This is an optimal day-time strain because it energizes and focuses the mind- Ideal for enhanced productivity on singular tasks. In addition, I was pleasantly surprised with how effective it was in relieving headache tension and stress. Even as I neared the final burn, the silky smooth clouds exhaled still retained most of it’s original flavor. This magnificent flower is a true hybrid that you will never forget! Platinum Animal Cookies by @lightyourphyre is now available at #EugeneOG and other fine dispensaries across the state!
Be sure to follow @Eugene.Dispensaries for quality reviews of legal cannabis found in local Eugene, OR dispensaries!
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