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Strain Review: Platinum Bubbagum by TheBubbaGum Company

Platinum Bubbagum 🤯🍡

Lineage/Genetics: [Platinum Bubba Pheno cut]

Original Breeder/Grower: TheBubbaGum Company

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Platinum Bubbagum Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Class: Exotic [SoCal]
Powered and Cultivated By:

Smell | Flavor: Dense and kushy, as I expected, but the Plat has a depth on it I didn’t expect, and it’s the slight actual sweetness of something sugary which actually hits of bubblegum. Break it open and the sweet Kush is prominent. As you pearl that up, you’ll take a dry pull and get that sweetness relaxed on your taste buds, and it gets you settled in ready for the spark.

The High: Spark this up, and you’re invited to a smooth draw that tastes just as the terps smell. The strike is a bit abrasive, but no cough, just smooth pulling through the smoke which you’ll find is an extremely clean high; pearl white ash. Halfway through you’ll be chilling with a smile on your face. The terps create a comfortable space for you, and relaxes your mental into a blissful state. This is some dope created for the classic terp smoker who likes the exotic hit and perfect for those who need a mental release, it’s a nice step away from those typical gelato terps without downplaying flavor.

Dope’s Thoughts: Overall I loved it. Only thing I’d like is for more strike, especially when smoking a Kush variant, just a personal grievance, other than that a dope 2-3 hour high.

This gets a smooth 7/10 from me 💯

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