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Strain Review: Platinum Haupia by Mount Burnin Pharms

💎🌴 Platinum Haupia : unknown but if I had to guess ( Runtz Phenos, LCGs etc..)
@haupiastrain @shoppingcarts.eastbay @spacedout9166 @stackandchase.juice

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Brand: Mount Burnin Farms

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Platinum Haupia Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

You know I was asked the other day, “do you ever do bad reviews” Lmao but I do, I got a few on the page and I got a few in the arsenal . This was one of em, I tried Haupia and Haupiña, some of the mid batches last year and I gotta say I was impressed 😮‍💨 taste and nose, there was nothing like it! Straight sweet candy tampico juice type nose ! But This Platinum Haupia… yea idk ya’ll . I mean looks can be deceiving sometimes right? It’s happened, looks like some typical triched out candy nugs, nose is straight candy, same vibes I get from the other ones just dark and “PlatinumPurple” look 😤 but man rolling it up , somewhat airy nugs so it took a lot to get a good amount for a joint. But what about having black ash? That isnt always a problem too ! Sometimes you still get a great taste and good choke , just burnt off. Nahh not this one… my face and expression showed with the first few hits that there’s NO candy. Straight eww, straight chemicals. Idk .. we put that shit out half way and couldn’t finish it. . Come on ya’ll not everyone smokes backwoods and not everyone smokes blunts. Guys needa take the time to come out with somethin that’s supposed to be a “Platinum” version 😮‍💨 ain’t wit it…

#Plat #AliensExist #Outside #World #StayTuned #PhenoHunter #Runtz #Shopping #Carts #MountBurnin #415 to #916 #WhatsNext? #Fuego #Terrible
#BlackAsh #NotWednesday #Haupia #LCG #StayTuned #BigMoves #Background #KingShit #SacTown #KingShit #Cannasaurus👑🦖

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Sac 📍, H.R. 💍 , Collector 👽, Reviewer 💯
Exotic Ashtray ♨️
Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬

flower mill ad - X grind, yes mill


Sac 📍, H.R. 💍 , Collector 👽, Reviewer 💯 Exotic Ashtray ♨️ Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬

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