Strain Review: Purple Dino by Doja Exclusive x Blueprint
Purple Dino – @doja.pak X @blueprint_california
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Doja Exclusive x Blueprint
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Purple Dino Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

I was able to grab this flower from one of @doja.pak X @packgodsofficial pop up events in Miami. I always love how each pop up they always have a couple new flavors. This time I was able to get Purple Dino which I heard was a collaboration with Blue Print Cannabis
🧬 unknown
👃 Fermented fruit smell, reminds you musty elderberries. On first smell kinda reminded me of the funky permanent market smell but with another whiff you can get the funky rotting fruit notes. Like it reminds me of what a dinosaur would eat
👅 heavy floral notes and funky fruit taste . Reminds me similar to that funky unique taste and smell I get from permanent marker but with one more unique trait of flavor that differentiates itself.
🧠 Gives me a nice spacey feel while making me have a nice chill high , great for a big session to socialize and network with others. After smoking a couple J’s of purple Dino had me feeling right . I was floating around the room , chatting with everyone in my path. Provides that nice Stoney feeling without anxiety.
Check out more reviews by @biscaynebaybudz on Instagram! (