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Strain Review: Purple Drank Breath by ThugPug Genetics

Purple Drank Breath [Hybrid Sativa] ⠀
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Lineage/Genetics: Purple Punch x Mendo Breath F2

Original Breeder: ThugPug Genetics

Purple Drank Breath Strain Review

Strength – 3/5 🗿🗿🗿⠀
Aroma – Sour, Cheese 🍋🧀⠀
Taste – Diesel, Berry, Spice ⛽🍇🌶️⠀
Density – Dense 🥦⠀

Tall, erect, and stoic in its pose, Purple Drank Breath (PDB) is the perfect muse for this photoshoot. Its dynamic color and eccentric look DEMANDS attention. And how can it not?! 🤯 PDB’s nugs are solid and dense. Bright, long orange bed-hair pistils line the crevasses. Observe the mix of purple blades and green tips arranged in this weird, alien looking, bio-geometric sequence. Far out!! 👽♾️⠀
The more I examine PDB, I see an outline of Patrick from SBSP with no arms and legs. Or a middle finger pointing right up at me. The scent is hard to describe. It’s definitely sour. But also, there is this dank underlying waft that I can only describe as – cheese 🧀. (Yeah🤔, I don’t know what else to call it 🤷)⠀
The inhale is smooth on the way in, and scratchy on the way out 🌬️. A mix of Diesel and berry taste. PDB produces a soft greyish white ash that clumps together when pressed. Sexay 👌⠀
The numb settles on the temples, frontal cortex, and brow. I’m finding this strain deeply cerebral 🧠. It clears the mind and lift the spirits. Calm, mellow vibes bring a period of tranquility. And with tranquility, comes keen intuition and foresight. Dexterity is operating at full capacity (performs a flawlessly executed pen twirl around thumb 👍😬). Vitalized, wide-eyed, and mildly energetic – PDB is a Sativa at heart. ⠀
PDB should be Juiced 🧃during the day. Bustling energy, level headedness, and calm demeanor sets a great mental space to power through the afternoon. People who you come into contact with won’t know a thing. It’s an incognito buzz 🕵️.⠀
🚨 TIP: I used to say “There is no high like the high of a JOINT”. But now I say: “There is no high like the high of a VAPE” I’m using ½ the weed to get twice as buzzed. The taste also changes to pepper when vaping. I’m bumping the Strength rating to 4/5 (if vaped). 👌⠀

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