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Strain Review: Purple Rain by BLKMKT

🎸 BLK MKT – Purple Rain

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: BLKMKT

Terpene Profile: Unknown

BLKMKT Purple Rain Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

purple rain by blkmkt strain review by terple grapes

Like Prince’s iconic song, this strain is smooth and sexy and plays up the sultry creamier notes while adding just the right amount of pop.

BLK MKT has a new drop, so of course, we have to try it! They have the best bag appeal in the game and invest in some of the most exciting genetics. Here they took a Cookies’ Fam strain in Candy Rain (itself a cross of their famed London Pound Cake and Gelato) and crossed it with the ever flavorful Cherry Punch. The result reminded me of one of my all-time faves, Platinum Grapes by Organnicraft, except stronger!

First, when opening Purple Rain you are hit with that sweet and bright grape aroma. It has all the sweetness of cough syrup, minus the sickly notes since it is balanced by citrus at the fore. There is a slight creaminess underneath which helps tie both notes together to create Wonka candy vibes. The nugs are trimmed perfectly and all three are over a gram. In the micro pics, you can see the processing is beyond compare, as BLK MKT really takes care to make the buds arrive in the same quad conditions they are grown to.

When smoked the creamy note really plays star, again reminding me of Platinum Grapes. I got that same grape yogurt fruit cup taste that made me fall in love. It is incredibly smooth, both in the bong and blunt. But in the bong the high is one to remember. I immediately got a head rush, like smoking a popper but with no tobacco. It made my eyes roll back and set the top of my mind ablaze. It settled in to a very functional mentally energizing high that still melted the knot between my shoulders. I found myself fully immersed in House of the Dragon. And afterwards, it didn’t crash but I was still able to block out intrusive thoughts when I closed my eyes, for a peaceful sleep. This potency envelopes you, but with a hug not a death grip.

Overall, BLK MKT does not miss. This kind of high is one of my favorites, and I’ve already picked up a second bottle. If a fan of Platinum Grapes this should be at the top of your list. 🍇🍇🤯🥰🥰

#blkmkt #blkmktbrand #purplerain #prince #cookies #cookiesfam #cookiesgenetic #candyrain #londonpoundcake #blackcherrypunch

purple rain by blkmkt strain review by terple grapes 2

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Hey my name is Sean out of Body and Spirit Cannabis, a fully independent licensed bud store at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto. Super sensitive to strain differences, I like to keep a bunch on hand for exactly what I want or need to feel. The alternative is my day is ruined or I don't get to smoke! Be sure to check me out @sean.bodyandspirit for a full list of reviews and stop by the store to say hi and check out the new drops we're smoking!

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Body and Spirit Cannabis

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Terple Grapes

Hey my name is Sean out of Body and Spirit Cannabis, a fully independent licensed bud store at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto. Super sensitive to strain differences, I like to keep a bunch on hand for exactly what I want or need to feel. The alternative is my day is ruined or I don't get to smoke! Be sure to check me out @sean.bodyandspirit for a full list of reviews and stop by the store to say hi and check out the new drops we're smoking! The insta Body and Spirit Cannabis

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