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Strain Review: Rope 41 by Burning Rope Pharms

Rope 41

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Burning Rope Pharms

Grower: Burning Rope Pharms

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Rope 41 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

This batch of 41 was chunky, sticky, and dense. It has a beautiful coating of trichomes that get thicker towards the top of the bud. The neon orange pistils really stand out on this batch. You see small forest green sugar leaves and little traces of grape purples. The purples become more visible when you crack open a nug.

The nose on this Rope 41 is a strong one. As soon as you open the bag you get hit with strong fuel and pine notes. It has a gentle creamy sweetness in the middle with very slight mint notes. It finishes with that fuel and some subtle citrus tang.

The smoke is thick and creamy with no harshness at all. It starts out with a solid fuel and slight sweetness. You get a pleasant piney earthiness in the middle and it finishes back to that fuel that lingers around after each hit.

The effects on this batch I would recommend for nighttime use, unless you have a higher tolerance. The high comes on fast and strong and has an almost sedative feeling to it. Was for sure one of the stronger batches of 41 I have tried. Thanks again to @officialnice_dc for getting some in my hands and big shoutout to @burningropepharms for killing this batch.

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