FlowerHybridsIndica DominantReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Smoothie by COTC Gardens

Some 🇬🇧🔥 Smoothie strain

Lineage/Genetics: Blueberry x Somango

Original Breeder: Cream of the Crop Gardens (COTC Gardens)

Smoothie Strain Review

smoothie trichomes by cream of the crop gardens strain review by ninthtimeluckyHonestly one of the nicest UK smokes I’ve ever had , glistening with trichomes, large well presented nugs , great flavour profile as the name suggests that is smooth on the throat. But hits hard with a great body buzz. Amazing for pain also. More UK flavours like this strain, please.

Close up on the second run from the smoothie pheno, this is the level of trichomes covering every inch on even the smallest buds. Absolute fire once again , smooth and gassy taste with great medicinal relief. Hits like a steam train which leaves the couch lock feeling much like #GG4 . Much more of a night time smoke for me.

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Check out more reviews by @ninthtimelucky on Instagram! (www.instagram.com/ninthtimelucky)

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