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Strain Review: SPPB by Humboldt Passion

Super Peanut Butter Breath aka SPBB (Dosi-dos x Mendobreath) from @humboldtpassion @humboldtpassiongrown Back to business as usual with the small batch fire, here I have some SPBB (Super Peanut Butter Breath) grown by @humboldtpassion.

Lineage/Genetics: Dosidos x Mendo Breath

Original Breeder: ThugPug Genetics

Grower: Humboldt Passion

SPBB Strain Review

I would like to say thank you to him once again, for providing such beautiful nugs for your guys viewing pleasure. The smell, nicely preserved in a jar, bursts out with a very bright, fuelly, yet savory/salty scent. After a lot of brainstorming, I could really only think of comparing it to Top Ramen broth that has actual natural ingredients in it, with a nice extra salty kick. As I keep smelling the PBB, a nice cooling earthiness comes into play, but becomes super deep like manure. The scent of this is all around really strong, and just like everything I have had lately that is grown in living soil, has an earthy hint to it that not many other buds I have had lately have.

I rolled the Peanut Butter Breath up in a joint, I smoked many bowls of it, threw it in my Arizer Extreme Q, and the flavor was pretty consistent when consumed through any method. While smoking, it had a savory nuttiness to it, very much like unsweetened freshly ground peanut butter, and a bit of earthiness/fuel to it. It had a full flavored smoke that coated your mouth with a nice mixture of dosido and mendo terps. The vapor was obviously lighter, however still very robust in flavor. That similar savory fresh pb flavor, but with a hint of floral creaminess to it. I was very much enjoying every draw I took.

Conclusion wrapped up in the comments. This review among others can also be found on BigWhiteAsh.com

#cannabis #cannabiscommunity #cannabisreview #dosidos #mendobreath #peanutbutterbreath #humboldtgrown #smallbatch #livingsoil #HumboldtPassion #BigWhiteAsh

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Check out more reviews by @bigwhiteash on Instagram and also the bigwhiteash website! (www.instagram.com/bigwhiteash)

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