CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Strawberry Fresca #4 by Fog Valley Exotics

Strawberry Fresca #4

Lineage/Genetics 🧬: Melon Mints X Strawberry’s & Cream F2

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grown by: Fog Valley Exotics @fogvalleyexotics

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Strawberry Fresca #4 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Provided by @boutiquegasf90 @blunted707 sheesh not gonna lie I was hype about this one just of the look on its sister the #2 👀🥶 the LOOK on this one nothing crazy in my opinion a green/yellow nugg with light ice 🧊 and purple spots the SMELL on this one WAS Stupid !!!! Very sweeeeet but not the sweetness y’all use to trust ! This one here is Deff right on the left over fruit loop sugar that’s left at the bottom of the plastic bag once it’s all done 🤣🤣🤣 or some roasted marshmallows with out the roasted part 🤣straight diabetes facts ! The TASTE on this one wow taste exactly how it smells straight fruit loops lol buttt only in the beginning because once it’s gets to the middle it starts tasting different it taste like it’s sister the #2 once it gets to the middle wait on that review 👀👀👀👀 Starts off fruit loops sweet turns airy Smirnoff sour strawberry and ends in strawberry cream savers 1000% cream savers end terp !!!! Right on! tasty clean smoke !!!! The HIGH on this one is medium not felt ASAP but picks up before the middle for sure straight eyes and head shots ! 9.5/10 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🔥🔥

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Mr. 10/10
🗽🇲🇽🥶🌶 Made in Mexico Bred In The Bronx
Cannabis and spicy connoisseur 🥶🧬 are🔑

Check out more reviews by @burlandoelsystema on Instagram! (

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Mr. 10/10 🗽🇲🇽🥶🌶 Made in Mexico Bred In The Bronx Cannabis and spicy connoisseur 🥶🧬 are🔑 Check out more reviews by @burlandoelsystema on Instagram! (

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