CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Super Runtz by TruLeaf

🦸🏽‍♂️🍬 – Super Runtz (Unknown Genetics) @truleaf_ @cgo_lyfestyle

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown Runtz

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: TruLeaf

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Super Runtz Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

super runtz by truleaf strain review by thecannaisseurking

Late post, tucked slept on strain right here. Thanks to my boy @cgo__lyfestyle throwin his bash awhile back! I was able to get a sample of this beauty! Super Runtz. Crack the bag open you get that heavy heavy creamy gas candy aroma! Super appealing! Looks were the typical Runtz build! Got all the perfect colored hues! Some soft nugs and some dense ones! First used the soft nugs for the first joint, cracked them up for the grinder and on breakdown a super heavy aroma of gas candy came out of it . Definitely differently enhanced with the “Super” part of the name for sure! Rolled up a chop and the airflow was this tasty candy! Unfortunately it sparked up a little later than expected and burnt a little dark off the rip. First few hits were a little hot on the throat but very tasty! Rolled up again a few weeks later, the dense nugs cured way better, burnt a lot more white ! And definitely wasn’t as harsh on the throat! Smooth inhales, heavy potent exhales! Definitely wanna see this come back again. That picture they were handing out looked craaaazy! This one was decent! Needed some time to cure but overall it turned out pretty well!

super runtz by truleaf strain review by thecannaisseurking 2

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Sac 📍, H.R. 💍 , Collector 👽, Reviewer 💯
Exotic Ashtray ♨️
Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬

flower mill ad - X grind, yes mill


Sac 📍, H.R. 💍 , Collector 👽, Reviewer 💯 Exotic Ashtray ♨️ Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬

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