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Strain Review: Trophy OG by Cream of the Crop Gardens

@cotc_gardens @cali_bud_reviews @cali_bud_reviews2.0

Cream Of The Crops

Trophy OG

Lineage/Genetics: (motor breath x trophy wife🥰)

Original Breeder: Cream of the Crop Gardens

Grower: Cream of the Crop Gardens

Terpene Profile: Trans-Nerolidol Dominant

Trophy OG Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

trophy og by cream of the crop gardens strain review by ogkush_or_nah 2Thc: 29.19%
Cbd: 0.06%
Total cannabinoids: 33.71%
Terpenes: 4.02%

After watching @cali_bud_reviews 🔥 review on COTC Chemtrail OG. I was determined to find some fresh batch of COTC flowers, and just like that i was lucky enough to get 2 trophy OG!

This Jan 11st 2022 jar comes with 2 medium size nugs and 4 small nugs. Mostly light green with darker tip which has a purple hue and covered with frosty trichomes, it’s medium dense with good structure, slightly leafy but well trimmed by hand! Long orange pisitil like most of the classic OG Kush strains. The smaller buds are somewhat sticky while the bigger ones pass the sticky finger test.

Aroma wise as soon as the seal is open the zesty skunkiness was louuuud. It has classic OG nose with tons of hops pepper diesel 🌲 and fruity citrus & apple on top, it’s definitely woody and somewhat floral, it really reminds me of chemdawg and skywalker OG.

The burn is pretty slow and the smoke is pleasant and smooth, only coughed a lil after a big water bong hit. taste very earthy and piney, can taste more pepper and citrus after the exhale, the head high is very stoney and made my eyes lazy, the buzz soon melts my entire body. Pain relief and sedation is on point, this is a night time strain for me. I smoked a 0.4g bowl by water bong and the high lasted a good 2 1/4 hours for me.

Overall I like this strain a lot! Reminds me one of my favorite strains skywalker OG and chemdawg, the high is really enjoyable and heavy, great for pain relief sleep aid and helps with anxiety. I recommend this strain for all OG Kush smokers, perfect for nighttime usage. Follow @cali_bud_reviews for the best cannabis guide and reviews

#sedation #creativity #painrelief #weedporn #420 #californiabag #socalcannbis #sgvweed #sgvcannabis #canabislife #cotc

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