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Strain Review: Zeclair by Fig Farms

Strain review Zeclair

Cultivated by: Fig Farms

Bred by: Umami Seed Co

Genetics: Cold Heat x Zonuts

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Zeclair Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Package date: 02-09-23
THC: 33.50%

Sum of cannabinoids:: 40.52%

zeclair by fig farms strain review by reviews_by_jude 2

Appearance: Small to medium sized nugs with a nice range a color. Deep hues of violet and silver with a nice vein of lime green underneath. The resin content is stacked on stacked. I pulled a part one of the smalls in the car when I got it and it’s got those mozzarella cheese trichs. Everything from fig farms is amazing but I’m glad they branch out and use outside breeders gear. I saw it was Umami and had to scoop. Really glad that I did.

Aroma: Knowing this is umami bred strain I was expecting and rewarded with an amazing complex terpene profile. This has an amazing nose that keeps me coming back in the jar. When you crack it open you’re hit an almost eye watering sour key lime zest. With that there’s also hints of raisins moth balls and kind of a perfume type smell. That was all rounded off with a powdered sugar yogurt type sweetness. Truly a feast for the nose.

Effect: This cultivar hits hard with very soothing relaxing vibes. Eyes feel warm and everything is kind of light and floaty.
I actually feel the muscles around my jaw and neck relax it’s very nice. Seems to have pretty moderate pain killing capabilities especially in my lower back for some reason. Aside from that I feel very peaceful and sleepy. My mind is pretty blank and my breathing is slow.Not really super strong appetite stimulation with this one. I can eat but I’m not super ravenous. This is definitely a movie watching or just straight up right before bed kind of strain.

Taste: It has an inhale of fragrant incense French vanilla with a cedar woodsy essence but also that froyo type sweetness is present as well. There a slight fermented sour fruit undertone that’s kind of hard to pin down but it’s there. The last thing I think picked up was a little bit of anise.

Overall: I’m always on the hunt for New and unique flavors and this one fits the bill completely. It is as strong as it is flavorful. Definitely a top notch batch of flower. No complaints at all. I only wish I had more.

zeclair by fig farms strain review by reviews_by_jude

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Judah Terpson
Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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Judah Terpson Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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