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Strain Review: Zushi by JOSHWAX

#zushi @joshwax @anti_mids_club @antimidsclub.official @amc.tstrees @thehighestcritic @thethcspot @thefirescale @zerofuxthecannabisconnoisseur

Lineage/Genetics🧬: Zkittlez x Kush Mints

Original Breeder: The Tenco


Terpene Profile: Unknown

JOSHWAX Zushi Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

zushi by joshwax strain review by phenomenalreviews420

Pckg: 11/01/22
This was given to me by @joshwax himself and the nug was still@on the branch, gave it a good home and cured it for a few more days.
The taste on inhale was a vibrant blast of subtle sweet with spice mixed with undertones of minty fuely gassy goodness….the Zkittlez really shows up and out on this one. Great pressure😤😤, smooth and clean smoke 💨. The exhale was a combination of the j hale with all the Zkittlez elements but with a wave of slight sweet and a lil sour rush from the Kush Mints.
The head high was immediate with heavy eyes and definite head buzz, nice moderate cerebral effects. Some euphoria with good moderate Stoney vibes, slight focus with very little haze and no couch 🔒. Uplifting euphoric feels, anti anxiety and slight calming with joyous properties present in cerebral effects.
The body high was moderate as well both complimentary to the head high and also having its own characteristics with nice calming/tranquil effects, relaxing and slight sedative effects with minimal pain relief properties. Anti anxiety, anti inflammatory and relaxing properties.
Taste: 9.5+ High: 9.5
Overall: A1+🔥🔥💨💨💚💚💚
This one was a winner from the start, I enjoy that bite and kick from a Zkittlez so if u are lent into that peppery blast with fuely kick this isn’t the Zushi for you, unlike the other Zushis on the market….this one stayed true to its origins and was more of a 70/30….Zkittlez to Kush Mintz. The Living organic Soil is a plus but in what facets?? Overall a great flower if u get a fresh batch of it, recommended 👍🏼👍🏼

#zushi #joshwax #joshwaxla #antimidsclub #amcorgohome #topshelf #wedontsmokethesame #smokebetter #smokesmarter #healthiswealth #qualityoverquantity #thefloracle #pickiestofthestickiest #fresherpressure #treatyourselfdontcheatyourself

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