Vape Review: Simply Naked Jack Herer Cannabis Oil Cartridge
Simply Naked is the new economic non disposable vaporizer option at my local dispensary. After seeing the price, I had to try one out and what better strain to test it out with than the classic sativa Jack Herer. You can always tell when a vape brand is currently in the claim-a-chunk-of-the-market phase when they have taken the time to also provide branded vape batteries to dispensaries. Users can buy both a Simply Naked vaporizer battery for $10 and a Simply Naked 1000mg vaporizer cartridge for $30, just $40 together – and that’s for functioning vaporizer with a whole gram of vape “juice.”
Simply Naked THC Vaporizer (Vape Pen) Jack Herer Cartridge Review
Amount ingested?
One long puff
How does it hit?
Oh boy, it’s not disposable, I can hit it for as long as I want! It’ll taste cotton coil-y towards the end of a ten second pull but that’s just part of the digs.
How does it taste?
When dry hitting it, the two major tastes are the butane derived oil and the “oil form” of chemically, lemony, tangy that is so commonly associated with straight sativas. None of the gassy tones that some haze or diesel sativa strains have, though.
It’s hard not to taste the coil on this one. It’ll taste cotton coil-y towards the end of a ten second pull even in the beginning but that’s just part of the digs. Note, I am using the provided battery so this is as close to the default configuration that you can get.
How long until activation?
Within fifteen minutes you’ll realize you’re high while you’re working on something else
How long does it last?
You’ll be jonesing for another hit of Jack well within an hour.
How does it feel?
Get focused, follow tangents. Does that sound contradictory to you? Then you’ve never been this type of high.
What I do like about it
This is a high you work on. This is also a very affordable gram cartridge.
What I don’t like about it
I think most users are going to find a burnt taste by the time they get towards the end of the cartridge, like most cartridges. If you have a battery that has an adjustable voltage, lower the voltage and the taste will stay unburnt for longer. Don’t take huge 10 second plus rips back to back. It’s kind of like the difference between cornering a bowl from one edge towards another versus burning the entire bowl, stamping it out, then relighting it. One is going to taste significantly more burnt. I guess what I’m trying to say is that what I don’t like about the Simply Naked cartridge is that it’s simply too easy for my dumbass to to use it up ineffectively.
Whether you’re the type of weed vape user that wants the cleanest hit, the most reliable piece, the most bang for your buck, or whatever – this option is it. If you want the taste of a ceramic coil – go Pure. If you don’t give a shit what the name of the strain you’re smoking is – go EFEX. If you want to feel like you got the most bang for your buck when you walk out of the dispensary – go for the bare-naked minimum… Simply Naked.
Website: (supposedly)
Cost: $30 @ Kush Factory 20
Where are Simply Naked vaporizers available: California
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