Vape Review: Strawberry Guava Live Nectar Cartridge by Echo Electuary
This Echo Electuary x Bo’s Nose Knows Strawberry Guava (Strawberry Banana x Papaya) live nectar cartridge has a very loud fruity smell to it.
Lineage/Genetics: Strawberry Banana x Papaya
Grower/Processor: Sacred Flower Farms/Echo Electuary
Delivered By: The Potland
Strawberry Guava Live Nectar Cartridge Review
The second I opened the package I was hit in the face with fruit 🍓🍒🍉🍑🍊🍋🍍 This cart has a very strong fruity flavor with just a hint of cheesy funk and tingles my nose quite a bit when vaping. The high was nice and stoney in my head with some full body relief as well. Overall a very nice live resin cartridge 👌🏼
Made 6/7/21
Tested 8/20/21
Honest Reviews 🕵️
Hi! My name is Ryan and I do honest product reviews for the Oregon cannabis industry under the brand The Sophisticated Dabber. I've doing doing product reviews in Oregon for the last few years now and I have been a cannabis consumer/patient in Oregon for almost 19 years. I run a blog on IG @thesophisticateddabber and also make dab tools with hand turned wooden handles @sophisticateddabtools . Hope you enjoy my reviews!