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Strain Review: Holy Cow by Deep in the Bag

#holycow @deepinthebagofficial @northsouth_distro @anti_mids_club @antimidsclub.official @amc.tstrees @thethcspot @thefirescale @zerofuxthecannabisconnoisseur

Lineage/Genetics🧬: White Runtz x Z Pheno?

Original Breeder: Unknown

Brand: Deep in the Bag

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Holy Cow Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

holy cow by deep in the bag strain review by phenomenalreviews420

Pckg: 11/29/22
THC: 36.47% CBD: 0.09%
This one I had wanted to try out for awhile and finally when the opportunity presented itself with a fresh batch I had to try.
The taste on inhale was a fuely smack of gassy candy goodness to the taste buds with nice undertones of a sour/spicy/sweet funk due to the presence of Z in there. Great pressure😤😤, very nice and smooth clean smoke 💨 for being such a strong 💪🏼 presence to the palate. The taste on exhale was a continuation of the inhale but again with a nice complex deep gassy first and candy second terp profile.

The head high was strong 💪🏼; immediate on-set head change with moderate cerebral buzz. Nice euphoria but better Stoney vibes, no focus really, haze and couch lock present if over consumed, this isn’t a novice strain by any means. Anti stress, happy/joyous and calming/tranquility cerebral effects present.
The body high was moderate and very long lasting quality high. Nice pain relief and sedative properties. Complimentary to the cerebral effects and then some; relaxing, pain relief and anti insomnia properties.

Taste: 9.5 High: 9.5+
Overall: A1+🔥🔥💨💨💚💚💚

Well the anticipation was gladly rewarded by the blessings from this strain. One of the stronger strains I’ve tried in recent memory, and I like strong highs. Little room for improvement, a dialed in batch of this would be an F&F batch. If you find a fresh batch of this I highly recommend it 👍🏼

holy cow by deep in the bag strain review by phenomenalreviews420 2

#holycow #deepinthebag #mosthigh #northsouthdistro #antimidsclub #amcorgohome #topshelf #qualityoverquantity #thefloracle #fresherpressure #pickiestofthestickiest #treatyourselfdontcheatyourself

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