Strain Review: Rock Candy OG by Ozone Reserve
Lately, I’ve found myself needing a more balanced high, with both cerebral body effects, so I’ve been excited to try more hybrids and indicas. Yesterday, I tried Rock Candy OG from @liveozone’s Reserve line, which is their premium flower. 💁🏾♀️⠀
Lineage/Genetics: Candyland x Grimace OG
Original Breeder: Revelation Genetics
Grower: Ozone Reserve
Rock Candy OG Strain Review
Though my anxiety dissipated immediately and I desperately needed that, the high was pretty mild. This batch tested at over 35% THC, and though that certainly isn’t the most important aspect of a strain profile, I expect more potent effects from a strain with such a high THC %, especially given the premium price. ⠀
Overall, I’d be interested in trying another batch and would love to try this strain from other cultivators. ⠀
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