ConcentratesFloridaHybridsMarijuanaReviewsSativa DominantShatterStrains

Concentrate Review: Myakka Native Shatter from Surterra Wellness

This @floatyourlife Myakka Native I got from @surterrawellness is really quite interesting.

Lineage: Unknown

Original Breeder: Surterra

Grower: Surterra Therapeutics

Processor: Float Your Life

Dispensary: Surterra Wellness

Myakka Native Shatter Concentrate Review

myakka native shatter from surterra wellness by indicadamLove the packaging on this one and it’s nice and potent too🔥 Smells and tastes like pine and lavender. Has a nice, euphoric feeling followed by relaxation and pain relief. Back in the 70’s, Donnie Clark bred Myakka Gold in the myakka region of Florida, making him an icon among cultivators. He ended up serving federal time for “conspiracy to grow marijuana”🤔 but, that didn’t stop him from being an avid activist and help show society that cannabis is not a drug, but a medicine. I dream of one day reviving old Florida strains like the ORIGINAL OG Kush (NorCal x Hindu Kush) bred back in the 90’s. I’m not sure if there’s Myakka Gold genetics in the Myakka Native, although it is a euphoric sativa. Nonetheless, I like how Surterra pays homage to a legendary Florida grower.

Thc: 73.3%

Taste: 8/10
Effects: 9/10
Nose: 8/10

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