Drinkable Review: Peach Honey Sparkling Water by CBD Living
Though I look quite happy in this photo, I must say I haven’t been feeling very peachy lately. One thing that’s been helping me manage my thoughts, feelings, and moods is CBD. Though I was previously quite skeptical, CBD products have slowly been making a believer out of me. It’s taken some trial and error to find the right products for me, but I’m happy I’ve been able to try CBD in many forms, including a beverage, like this 🍑Peach Honey🍯 Sparkling Water. ⠀
Processor: CBD Living
CBD Living Peach Honey Sparkling Water Review
Of all the flavors I’ve tried, this one is my second favorite, as the sweetness was fainter than the Orange Grapefruit and Strawberry Lavender, but stronger than the Apple Ginger. Though I’d prefer CBD seltzer, testing these waters from @cbdlivingwater helped me combine two things I love, cannabis and bevvos, and I’m looking forward to finding the perfect CBD drink for me. ⠀
How do you like your CBD? In gummies, drinks, tinctures, or something else? ⠀
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