Cannabis HistoryFAQ

Who is Steve DeAngelo?

Let me introduce you, to Steve DeAngelo. A personal hero of mine, Mr.DeAngelo has been there and seen it all. He has been on the front lines of cannabis reform for over 4 decades! Every Tuesday we’re going to examine cannabis leaders, people in this world who are helping pave the way for access to cannabis, and helping to end the stigma! 🌿 I thought the godfather of the entire legal industry would be a great place to start!

Who is Steve DeAngelo?

He owns Harborside Inc, one of the most respected cannabis retailers in the United States. He protested the Vietnam war and was a member of the peace movement in the 70’s. When he was just 16, he lead the charge against cannabis prohibition. ✊ After dropping out of school, he was a member of the Youth International Party, and organized 4th of July smokeouts to protest prohibition. He’s worked with Jack Herer, another legendary cannabis activist, and embarked on a national hemp tour to promote legalization. Recently, he’s founded The Last Prisoner Project, an organization focused on helping and freeing cannabis prisoners. I highly recommend his book: The Cannabis Manifesto, if you’re interested in reading about the turmoil of cannabis prohibition through a new perspective! @steve.deangelo @lastprisonerproject #notallheroeswearcapes #leader #activist #endthestigma #cannabiseducation #weedscience #learningisfun #cannabishistory #cannabiscommunity #cannabis #weed #pot #weenation #marijuanamovement #cbdmovement #hippy #herb #ganja #dabstars #dispensarylife #legalizeit
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Alejandro Perez is the owner of CannaQuestions, an educational community for cannabis consumers. Find his page on Instagram @cannaquestions, or visit the official website!

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Alejandro Perez is the owner of CannaQuestions, an educational community for cannabis consumers. Find his page on Instagram @cannaquestions, or visit the official website!

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