How much weed should new users consume?

“Its my friend’s first time smoking. How much weed should you use if it’s your first time?” Great question from @thanks4smokin

How much weed should a first time smoker consume?

I actually get this question quite often, so for this post, I’m going to give you guys my recipe for success when you’re introducing someone to cannabis, or, trying it out yourself for the first time. Smoking: Inhaling cannabis is the easiest and quickest method for first time users. The key is to start low and slow. Do not feel the need to take the biggest hit your lungs can handle, as this could send you into an aggravating coughing marathon. Your first inhale should be small, and slow, giving yourself a few minuets after, for the effects to begin. Edibles: if smoking is not an option, perhaps you can turn to some delicious treats! But, take CAUTION! Edibles are much stronger than smoking, take longer to feel the effects, and eating too much can give you a negative experience. I reccomend starting with doses as low as 2.5 – 5mg. Waiting 1-3 hours to feel the effects after eating is ideal when trying edibles. Because it is metabolized, it helps to have food in your stomache prior to taking an edible. Concentrates/Vaping: I do not reccomend trying a concentrate for your first time due to their high potency ratings. However, if you’re going to go for it, look for strains that also have a ratio of CBD in them as well. CBD can help settle some uncomfortable experiences when using high THC products. Did you find this info useful? Follow me for more cannabis education, and drop your questions in the comments below to get them answered! Have a private question? Message me and we’ll talk! #themoreyouknow #cannabisscience #weed #cannabiscommunity #cannaquestions #weedstagram #420society #pot #weedstagram420 #kush #dabstars #dabstagram #cannabisculture #stoner #stoned #firsttime #weedpics #smoke #cbd #cbdlife #herbalife
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Alejandro Perez is the owner of CannaQuestions, an educational community for cannabis consumers. Find his page on Instagram @cannaquestions, or visit the official website cannaquestionsofficial.com!

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Alejandro Perez is the owner of CannaQuestions, an educational community for cannabis consumers. Find his page on Instagram @cannaquestions, or visit the official website cannaquestionsofficial.com!

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