CBD Review: CBD Capsules by Miss Envy Botanicals
If you haven’t tried @miss.envybotanicals CBD capsules, they are a definite must!
CBD Capsules by Miss Envy Botanicals Review
My boyfriends bottom 7 vertebrae were forcibly tilted to the right when he was in high school. This left his with an inoperable condition were his nerves, muscles and ligaments grow around his spine and cause pressure.
He experiences chronic pain daily but with the @miss.envybotanicals CBD Capsules he was able to stand at work for almost his entire 8 hour shift and come home to tell me how much they helped him.
Thank you @miss.envybotanicals for helping him something that works for his pain!
Check out more reviews by @thecoughingwalrus on Instagram! (www.instagram.com/thecoughingwalrus)