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CBD Review: Hawaiian Haze Pre-roll by fénix flowers

I won’t be visiting an island anytime soon, but the sweet, tropical flavor from this Hawaiian Haze preroll was a nice vacay from my worrisome brain.

Lineage/Genetics: DC Haze x ERB

Original Breeder: Oregon CBD

Grower: fénix flowers

Hawaiian Haze CBD Strain Review

So, me being the silly person I am, I smoked it in the evening, anticipating it to hit like Sour Space Candy. Of course, my expectations were wrong, which seems to be a running theme for me and CBD flower. Despite needing to temper my expectations, I could see Hawaiian Haze being great for starting my day. The effects were mild and not in an “I don’t feel anything kind of way.”, but more of a “just enough to set a calm tone for my day.” I could also see this being great for those of us who are due for a THC tolerance break but still need relief and enjoy a smoking ritual to wind down. ⁠⠀
Overall, I’ve been amazed by the product quality from @seefenix, and I can’t wait to get my flower order in the mail. If you’re curious, I ordered Sour Space Candy, Blueberry Muffin, and Bubba Kush. I’ll definitely report back on the other cultivars as well! ⁠⠀
How are you staying calm and cool today?⁠⠀
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