Concentrate Review: Birthday Cake Sugar by Grassroots Cannabis
What’s a birthday without cake? What’s sugar without shimmer?
I don’t know, and I don’t wanna! This Birthday Cake Sugar shimmers just like it should. ⠀
Lineage/Genetics: GSC x Cherry Pie
Indica or Sativa: Indica dominant Hybrid
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Grassroots Cannabis
Processor: Grassroots Cannabis
Birthday Cake Sugar Review
A cross between GSC and Cherry Pie, Birthday Cake hits like it’s ancestors (GDP, OG Kush, and Durban Poison) got into a fight and Durban lost. Birthday Cake is an indica-dominant hybrid that’s great for being social. It gets your mind going just enough to trick yourself into going to the party, and relaxes your body so much that once you’re there, you’ll want to dance. Too much and you’ll be the friend sleep on the 🛋. ⠀
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