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Concentrate Review: Biscotti Live Resin by Field Extracts

Biscotti Live Resin by Field Extracts@fieldextracts .

Lineage/Genetics: Gelato #25 x Girl Scout Cookies x South Florida OG

Original Breeder: Cookies Fam Genetics

Processor: Field Extracts

Dispensary: The Cali Club Tenerife

Field Extracts Biscotti Live Resin Review

This Biscotti is a tasty combination of – GSC, Gelato 25 and South Florida OG. I have been lucky enough to get my hands this thanks to @thecaliclubtenerife This is a luxury and very well presented product from start to finish and even unboxing it was an enjoyable experience.

The resin is a beautiful Golden honey like consistency full of glistening THCA Gems. The terps in the honey pot give out a pleasing and candy like aroma, slightly reminiscent of fruity sherbet. This was surprising at first, as I was expecting a more creamy, cookie like terpene profile from Biscotti. However hefty scoop of terpy resin and THCA diamonds in the Pufco and the flavour profile tells a complete different story.

The sweet and creamy flavour and the gassy desert like cookies after breaths are extremely strong, flavoursome and extremely more-ish. This is the Biscotti flavours I can remember and was hoping for. The high is instant and hard hitting. An intense hot flush hit me and I felt my eyes becoming more and more heavy. The sedating and relaxing effects of this resin make it perfect to de-stress after a long day. This is Powerful A-List extract packed full of flavour for the connoisseur.

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