Concentrate Review: Blueberry Headband Live Resin by Grassroots Cannabis
I’ve reviewed Blueberry Headband flower before, but this live resin needed it’s own appreciation post because it blew me away. So much so that I finished it in less than a week.
Lineage/Genetics: Blueberry x 707 Headband
Original Breeder: Emerald Triangle Seeds
Grower/Processor: Grassroots Cannabis
Blueberry Headband Live Resin Review
The nose was fruity and piney, but the real star was the effects! A small dab crushed my body aches and stress, leaving me relaxed and floaty.⠀
I’ll admit, I’m a product hoarder. When I get new canna products, I try them a few times and then stash them for the perfect day. There’s another camp of folks who like to focus on one cultivar or product until it’s gone, an approach I take when trying to really engrain a cultivar into my palette. I’m more of a mood smoker. Certain moments call for different flavors, terp profiles, and effects, not just whatever is in front of me. ⠀
What kind of stoner are you? Product hoarder? Or do you like to polish off your products asap?⠀
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