Concentrate Review: Cornbread Live Sugar by Organic Alternatives
Cornbread live sugar grown and processed by @organicalternatives_co
Lineage/Genetics: Katsu Bubba Kush x Rare Dankness #2
Original Breeder: Rare Dankness Seeds
Grower: Organic Alternatives
Processor: Organic Alternatives

Cornbread Live Sugar Review
OA is something else.. I don’t think I’ve had their flower in over a year but their live resin is some of the best I’ve ever had. Light in color, always high in cannabinoids and the terpenes pop out of every gram I’ve had. Cornbread (Katsu Bubba and Rare Dankness #2) is one of my all time favorites because its heavily dumbing high is great for getting your mind off of literally anythingCheck out more reviews by @no.mids on Instagram! (