Concentrate Review: Florida Orange x Purple Punch Budder by Revolution Cannabis
Do you see what I see? So good, I had to zoom in. ⠀
This Florida Orange x Purple Punch budder from @revcanna is quite tasty.
Lineage/Genetics: (Key Lime Surprise x Clementine) x (Larry OG x Granddaddy Purple)
Original Breeder: Revolution Cannabis
Grower: Revolution Cannabis
Processor: Revolution Cannabis
Florida Orange x Purple Punch Budder Review
The terps from it’s Clementine lineage hit like 🍊Fresh-squeezed OJ🍊on the inhale, with undertones of pine. ⠀
The cross of Florida Orange, a pretty cerebral indica, and Purple Punch, an indica that’s both cerebral and sedative, yields pleasant effects for the mind and body. ⠀
Texture-wise, this budder it’s more lightly whipped than others I’ve tried, has a nice consistency and is easy to work with. ⠀
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