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Concentrate Review: GGxOG Hash by Anonymuz Farmz

GGxOG 🌲🍋🌵⛽️ by @anonymuz_farmz

Lineage/Genetics: Gorilla Glue x OG Kush

Processor: Anonymuz Farmz

GGxOG Hash Review

ggxog hash by anonymuz farmz concentrate review by jean_roulin_420 2Being a kush/chem head I knew instantly I had to try this one 😍 The aromas are a strong sweet fresh herbaceous funk like pine & aloe vera with hints of spicy lemon & gas.

The taste transfer is awesome through both the joint & the vapes. The mouth is coat with those lovely green & zesty notes, perfect for the summer 🤣

The stone on this one is a real highlight & one of the strongest from all the recent filtered drysift I have 🤪 Rocketfuel heady & euphoric rush sometimes almost too strong but the stoniness builds quick & rounds it perfectly. You’re in high spirits & stone to the bone at the same time, definitely some gorilla/og magic going on ❤️ You can either take a nap & have vivid dreams or starting good conversations with friends on a sunny afternoon.

#hash4champions #hash #anonymuz_farmz #hashreview #hashreviews #cannabisculture #cannabiscommunity #drysift #hashporn #420

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French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.

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French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.

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