Cultivar Review: Apple Fritter by Dazed Farmz
Apple Fritter @dazedfarmz
Lineage/Genetics: Sour Apple x Animal Cookies
Original Breeder: Lumpy’s Flowers
Grower: Dazed Farmz
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Dazed Farmz Apple Fritter Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Big thanks to @sddankexclusive16 for turning me onto to dazed farmz with their Fire Apple fritter. Appeal: 8.75/10 Classic Apple fritter colors and structure. It has a chunky but sprawled out build with a semi-lanky stem structure, but with nice fat calyxes/bracts climbing each other tightly to build bushy triangles & quarter curls in an upwards stretch while having a mostly open structure as a whole. The colors are swampy greens and deep purples, with occasional yellow tints and neon purple streaks on the inners. The pistils are burnt orange, of medium length. The trichomes have a nice display, good coverage with some clustering in the crevices, medium sized trich-heads that are defined nicely. The nugs have a thorough dry & soft cure, which had me anticipating a nice burn. The trichomes still had resinous oils to them adding some additional inner moisture. Very solid, classic fritter appeal & done really well! No complaints at all. Aroma: 8.8/10 Pretty loud. A thick pie crust terp of the doughy, cookie, creamy, but herbal blend is in the lead accompanied by a sour dank gas of lemon & pine with some sweet n sour ‘apple tartness’, grape & lavender Florals. Undertones of wheat barley hops funk hides an occasional waft of a deep chocolate, herbal spice, & a nutty undertone. Breaking nugs releases extra sour-dankness, florals, pine, & breaded dough terps. Flavor: 8.6/10 Ash: 9.4/10 Drip: 9/10 Smoke: 8.8/10 Burn: 9.1/10 Nice solid white ash, with rare pepper flakes on the outers that burned pretty consistent to the roach. The terp ring was also solid to the end. The smoke was mostly all smooth, a lil gassy, had a very minor bite. The doughy pie crust terps took the lead with some pine lemon gas & grape-Apple sour-dank gas & florals, veggie funk, & the chocolate herbal nuttiness. Very clean, & satisfying smoke, performed very well! Overall: 8.89/10 This Apple Fritter was executed very nicely, it performed well in all categories, especially the clean burn. The effects were toasty, and the potency had solid onset & 2.5hr buzz. NFSOT! Reviews are for 21+ MJ patients only! #calibudreviews #dazedfarmz #sddank
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