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Cultivar Review: Blackberry by Zero Gravity Cannabis

#blackberry by @zerogravitycannabis2.0 x @gravityboyz973

Lineage/Genetics – Possible Blackberry Kush ( Afghani x Blackberry) ???

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Zero Gravity Cannabis

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Zero Gravity Cannabis Blackberry Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

blackberry by zero gravity cannabis strain review by letmeseewhatusmokin

@zerogravitycannabis2.0 is a brand/ cultivation from Maine. I’ve been preaching this for years now, Maine got heat. Zero gravity had a table at @thenewagecannaclub and the blackberry nose and appeal caught my eye 👁️. The nugs came well structured, decent size on the buds. Magenta purple hues, moss and fern green color leaves 🍃, autumn 🍂 color pistils. In my opinion, probably the best aromatic flower in the whole event. The aroma of blackberries blend with sour tart diesel aroma. It remind me of Maine’s Cherry ghostenade’ s mesmerizing aroma. The palate is a myrcene sweetness, earthy, fuel after taste. The effects are medium level cerebral high, low body high. It’s an active high, had me working like an animal at work and feeling productive and creative, positive mindset. The smoke experience is superb, clean on the inhale & exhale 😮‍💨. The ashes burned 70/30 more salt than pepper. The high can last over 2 hrs, the buzz started around 10-11 pulls in. The sesh is mostly taste terps at first then converts to the cerebral high. Overall Blackberry, has the looks, memorable scent and reasonable high and burn. The taste matches the scent . Zero gravity arrived to impressed, highly recommend this cultivar. Black berry – 4.5/5
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