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Cultivar Review: Blue’s Brothers by SeedsintoWeeds

Blue’s Brothers – @seedsintoweeds

Nose: Tart, berries, musty, fruity, chemical, citrus
Inhale: Sour, tart, berries, floral, earthy, sweet, rubbery, fuel
Exhale: Musty, berries, chemical, tangy, sour, citrus, woody

Genetics 🧬: Vanilla Frosted Gelato x GMO

Bred by: Seedsintoweeds

Cultivated by: Seedsintoweeds

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Blue’s Brother Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Hey what’s going on everyone? I hope all my fellow New Englanders have had those sweaters and sweatshirts on deck because, man, we’ve been waking up to some chilly weather this week. Since I’ve been coming back to life from a minor cold I was fighting off earlier in the week, I figured I would use the time to air out the final review I received from Terptown. This edition is a follow up review for Seedsintoweeds which, this time around, will include the Blues Brothers (no relation to Jim Belushi’s strain) that he both bred and cultivated. If you’d like a brief background about Seedsintoweeds I would encourage you to check out the first review I did on his Frosted Cheese. After a moderately enjoyable first experience I was interested to see what this cultivar would possess. Especially after learning from Seedsintoweeds that this features a cross between Frosted Vanilla Gelato and GMO (one-half parent of Frosted Cheese) I was more than ready to dissect the features this offered. Additionally, there were three bag seeds found from the eighth received which I plan to pop sometime this winter or next spring. That was certainly a little added bonus for myself. Let’s waste no more time and get into the facts!

Instead of plastic baggy for packaging, the Blues Brothers came sealed up in a small Ball mason jar that included improvised labeling of the cultivar within. As I proceeded to twist off the cap, I was immediately hit with a sharp smell of tart and musty berries. When holding the jar closer to my nose, those shaper notes turned into more of a sweet citrus, fruity odor. The first two things that came to mind were sour grapes and blueberries.

I was a lot more impressed by the appearance of this cultivar than that of the Frosted Cheese. Despite the nugs being on the smaller side, each one posed pretty decent aesthetics carrying a texture that was similar to that or the Frosted Cheese. Consisting of larfy forest green leaves stretching over pale green hues within the middle as well as patches of lighter violet/purple, the colorway came out extremely well under the mag jar. This is not to leave out the abundance of hairy red pistils that weaved through a modest trichrome coverage within each nug. Personally, I thought the Blues Brothers held a little more stickiness to it than than of the Frosted cheese although holding the same amount of density. Once I peeled open the semi-tough structure I was able to hone in on a sweet, yet sour, concoction of diesel berries that penetrated through the living room airwaves. As I began to break down the bristly, leafy structure on the Blues Brothers I received a fair amount of residue stuck to my fingertips. This also included a hefty amount of kief particles when breaking down in a grinder, which I ultimately preferred. After being broken down I still noticed the same musty, sweet & sour berry aromas triggered from before although the fresh, but sharp, smell of blueberries was most detectable at this moment. Taking a dry pull from the joint gave off implications of a simple blend of tart and floral blueberries which left a sweet aftertaste.

When I sparked the Blues Brothers in an Element paper (yes, I recently started dabbling with these), the initial inhales brought on a similar flavor I found within the nose. This consisted of those distinctive sweet & sour berry terps smothered over rubbery fuel back end. The pulls started off smooth and subtle while, on the way out, I received the same blueberry taste felt on the inhale with more of an acidic overtone that left a sharp, citrus aftertaste. As I moved forward into the sesh, the earthy undertones beneath those thick berry terps spurred a bit of gassiness within this cultivar. The follow through became increasingly sour as the joint became oily, leaving residue stains splattered on my tongue. Proceeding closer to the halfway point in the sesh, the pulls started to become a lot more burdensome than earlier on. I could feel the rubbery fuel terps enhance while the sour taste on the exhale was borderline chem. I was a little perplexed by this although delighted as I really wasn’t expecting this to pack the punch it did. Furthermore, the Blues Brothers had a magnificent burn to it with a bone-white ash supporting the cause. Deep into the sesh I noticed somewhat of a woody taste that concocted with berries that continued to flourish. The inhales became a little more sweet nearing the conclusion of the sesh even though the pulls were moderately gassy. All in all, this was a very flavorful smoke that retained its terp profile until the very end. In addition to this, I thought this was surprisingly gassy adding to the well-rounded features this cultivar offered.

The medicinal effects that the Blues Brothers ensued following the sesh added a cherry on top to the smoke. They began right around the time I got halfway through the joint sedating my upper body, putting my shoulders and back in a droopy state. The more time progressed, I felt my entire body melting right into the couch, gripping me into a deep euphoria. My mind started to wander off about 20-25 minutes into this and ensued for a good time after. This, in my opinion, made a perfect high for a night cap or a lazy weekend indoors. Even though this put me in a very pleasant mood I was rather sluggish due to the powering effects. I also noticed I had a craving for pizza while indulging in this cultivar. An hour into the onset of effects, same thing; I felt worn down struggling to get up from my position on the couch. This also had great deal of relief on the recent back injury I was nagging about close to a month ago. When it was over, the effects from this cultivar lasted right around an hour and 45 minutes to two hours. As I said before it was the icing on the cake to a nice smoke.

After having the chance to try the Blues Brothers done by Seedsintoweeds my fondness of it grew over time. I definitely thought it was his best stuff he brought to the table and easily rose to prominence over the Frosted Cheese. I wasn’t overly impressed with the looks of it at first but, at a closer look, this held some solid features. The smokability and terp profile this cultivar beheld made it a treat, especially if you are one of those smokers who enjoys a sour/chem blueberry variety from the nose down to the smoke. In addition to this, the medicinal effects were quite crippling. If you are someone who prefers nighttime use or having trouble sleeping at night, this will do fine. This one had a creeping high that hit you with its melting effects. I wanted to thank Seedsintoweeds for the samples he gave me to review back at Terptown. I look forward to popping the bagseeds I got from this and seeing what stems from it.

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