CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Cultivar Review: Fat Man by B-Eazy Buds x Gasco Exotics

#fatman by @b_eazybuds6.0 x @b_eazybuds3.0 x @b_eazybuds_showroom x @gascoexo

Lineage – Runtz Cut

Original Breeder/Grower: B-Eazy Buds x Gasco Exotics

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Fat Man Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Note—- I was giving this about 2
Months ago ..
Fatman is one of @b_eazybuds6.0 collabs with @gascoexo. The homie @b_eazybuds6.0 always know how to choose the proper candy flower. I believe it’s a Runtz cut in a nice presentable 💣 bag. The structure is trichome clustered, shades of freeza purple, piccolo green, goku uniform colored pistils. The palate is fruity, sour candy , earthy typical Runtz flavors and scents . I can taste the sweetness savor on the inhale 😮‍💨.

The smoking experience is led with a great effect medium level cerebral high, low body high. It had a bad burn on the raw organic black hemp – 2/5 and 50-50 burn on elements – 3/5 . The effects are the highlights of this gem, due to the relaxing euphoric high.

The high can last about 1 hour intense and then starts fading for a total 1.5 . Overall Fatman has the great effects but can burn better, depending on the rolling paper. I feel it’s the perfect smoke for the candy smoker, but for me it’s not the most memorable in #beazybuds lineup.

Fatman – 3/5
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