Cultivar Review: Figment by Fig Farms
Figment cultivar #Figment by @fig.farms
Lineage/Genetics – Purple Fig x Animal Mints 199
Original Breeder/Grower: Fig Farms
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Assisted by @halfb8ked212
Figment Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Oakland’s Fig Farms 🫙 is a must cop if seen in a menu in nyc 🗽. They have a lineup with depth in flavors. A while back I reviewed their Meat breath, now I will tell you about Figment. The lineage comes from @fig.farms own “purple fig” and @seedjunkycrew Animal Mints 199. The cultivar is produced in oct 2021 and packaged Jan 2022.
The nugs appear to be dense and fluffy, non dried due to the 🫙. Purple fig color hues, blends of baby spinach, cabbage 🥬 colors on the buds with sprinkled splatter crystal trichomes. The thc is rated at a scorching 30%. The palate is a musky, earthy, herbal, lavender with a pungent cake taste. The fumes of the animal mints can be felt.
The aroma is an outdoor earthy, ammonia strong scent with spice, hint of candy . The effects are a medium cerebral high, start’s ascending around the 6-7 pulls. I am flying high after finishing half the joint. I felt focused and creative, perfect way to start my day on the wake and bake. Figment’s taste and effects are better than the previously reviewed meat breath. The ashes show a great flush and perfect cultivation for this flower. The white 🧂 ash was also accompanied with some oil drip surrounding the cherry top.
Big ups to @fig.farms on this 💎. Overall it has the taste, the effects, the smell is the least attractive but still love the flower in general. Shoutout to @halfb8ked212 for the recommendation.. blessings.. 4.8/5
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Check out more reviews by @lms1__186 on Instagram and Social Club! ( Also for the backup.
Social Club:
I use fig farms as my trusted companion, the jars always contain something pleasurable to smoke – quality – and consistent – always interesting. I usually switch between something super expensive and fig farms to get the best of both worlds. Figment, I don’t like the smell but I keep getting it. Yesterday all I did was figment and I was surprised at how zonked I was, ripped. I knew then and there I had underestimated it as the mellow guy – well he’s got a wild streak. I will continue to get it here and there, and Fig Farms is too cool – it’s fun wholesome stuff in my opinion
Fig Farms is not just a figment of our imagination :). Maybe you’ll end up liking the smell because of the zonk it provides.