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Cultivar Review: Gary Payton by North Shore Boys

Gary Payton – @northshoreboys978

Nose: Sweet, burnt rubber, floral, citrus, piney, spicy, gassy/fuel
Inhale: Sweet, floral, gassy, spicy, burnt rubber, sour, citrus
Exhale: Musty, citrus, floral, peppery, tangy, burnt rubber

Lineage/Genetics 🧬: The Y x Snowman

Bred by: Powerzzzup Genetics

Cultivated by: North Shore Boys

Terpene Profile: Unknown

North Shore Boys Gary Payton Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review


Hey what’s up everyone? I hope everyone is having a great week and is smoking good. Today, I have a pretty fast return from the North Shore Boys as they gave me a couple of their recent drops for review. This time around, I will be returning to one of my personal favorites but, this time, from a different cultivator. As you know by now, #20 stand for Gary Payton and, after missing this one on the last drop, I wanted to see how the NSB would shake this one up. Especially, after enjoying the last three pick ups from them. Although I probably don’t need to do a reintroduction I figured I would let you know that this cultivar features a cross between The Y and Snowman, and was originally bred by the legendary Powerzzzup. Almost always, this cultivar tends to provide a thick burnt rubber nose and flavor as well as providing a range of other flavors from sweet, floral, to even candy citrus notes. Additionally, this may be one of the more aesthetically pleasing cultivars there is out there too. Let’s waste no more time and get into the facts!

Upon receiving the Gary Payton, it was presented in a ziplock bag similar to how I’ve received the past three offerings from the North Shore Boys. After I popped the bag open, this cultivar immediately gave off that distinct burnt rubber smell which also consisted of a heavy odor of spicy citrus notes. The nose at this stage also had a back end of sweet flower petals that somewhat resembled a candy scent. As I proceeded to take the medium-sized nugs out of the bag they were dense in weight and thick, robust in stature.

The aesthetics this cultivar posed with was swell and included mild violet-to-lavender hues with pale lime greens intertwined underneath a bed of bright orange pistils. In addition to this, this cut of Gary also boasted an above average trichrome coverage that made the nugs stand out from a fair distance. When I placed the buds in hand, they felt moderately sticky with a smooth, but prickly, surface. Breaking into these fat colas produced more of the same beneath as the interior of this cultivar was rugged and gave off some sap from the overall stickiness. At this point I received even more of a pungent burnt rubber nose than in solid nug form. This gave off a sweet, but gassy, fuel aroma that really just made me want to cut to the chase and smoke this. Even though I didn’t find it impossible to break down this offering of Gary Payton by hand, I found it way more easier, as well as beneficial, to use a grinder. This cultivar didn’t really yield to anything special although it gave off a profound aroma of tennis balls coming from the notes of burnt rubber. As I took a dry pull from the joint I collected a variation of flavors from spicy notes of floral to a powerful overtone of soil and fruity.

When I sparked the Gary Payton in an Element paper, the initial inhales lined up with my expectations. Each pull engulfed my palette with sweet and spicy notes of both floral and burnt rubber, matching the nose I described above. This also included a sour taste that lingered on my tongue after a couple of pulls. The exhales exhibited a mustier follow through that contained soft, tangy citra notes on the way out. I began to detect somewhat of a tangie taste, amongst other citrus terps, by the time I got a quarter of the way into the sesh. The most notable feature early on about this particular cut of Gary was its gassiness. Each pull felt as if it it brought on more pressure than the last. The first half of the sesh gave off much more sour, tangier terps than I’ve experienced with this cultivar before. While the notes of sweet floral persisted, they were tough to make out at time due to the gassy spice this cultivar produced.

The burn on the joint was steady resulting in a lighter grey to whiteish complexion on the ash as well as a beautiful terp ring. Once I rounded past the halfway point in the sesh pulls remained rubbery, however, it felt like I was receiving some z terps on the backend of some. In addition to this, I could make out a peppery taste beneath the gassy citrus taste that kept strong through the course. The exhales continued to flood my taste buds with lavender, flower petals and sweet notes of burnt rubber. I will honestly say this didn’t stray too far from past offerings of Gary I’ve had. As mentioned earlier, the distinct feature on this one was the way it hit the back of my lungs with authority. Even deep into the sesh, this remained super gassy but still brought those distinct flavors I listed down to the very end. Truthfully, I think this Gary hit the mark when you consider both the terp profile and smokability it delivered. Overall, it is what you’d expect from this cultivar.

The onset of medicinal effects provided by this cut of Gary Payton were more overpowering compared to past offerings I’ve had of this cultivar. Starting late in the sesh, I felt as if I was sinking into the chair or couch I was sitting on while smoking this. I felt jittery, receiving a mild case of the butterflies as I felt my heart sink into my chest just a little. However, at the same time this cultivar provided a mental spark and did a good job at increasing the fluidity within my thought process. I would best describe the high as evenly balanced, providing both great mental and body effects simultaneously. About a good half hour in from the initial onset of effects is where this really seemed to provide excellent relief to, specifically, my back muscles. I know I’ve been nagging about the continuous shooting pains I’ve been feeling across various areas of my back but this cultivar did wonders to remedy that. In addition to feeling muscle relief as well as clarity in thought, this cut of Gary brought the best mood in me. Generally speaking, I felt exceptionally calm and kept a pretty positive frame of mind while high off this cultivar.

I found that smoking this at any point of the day was doable although, if you ask my opinion, I tended to enjoy this one in the later afternoon/early evening times. Additionally, this cultivar paired very well for a night with friends or family, bringing out laughs in everyone. When it was all said and done, the medicinal effects were present for around an hour and half to two hours. Truthfully, I thought the effects on this one went hard and was really tough to dig out any dislikes towards the overall experience.

After having a chance to try North Shore Boys’ cut of Gary Payton, I think it fell somewhere in the upper-middle of the pack compared to all past offerings I’ve tried of this cultivar. Coming out of the bag, the nose and appeal from the appearance were definitely on point. Looking at the bright orange pistils and multi-colored hues in this curl use along with it’s distinct burnt rubber nose made me savor this one from the start. This cut didn’t yield the “Basketball”-sized nugs I typically see from this cultivar when in the area, however, that didn’t seem to take away from the favorable qualities it possessed. The smoke and flavor, in my opinion, was the most affable attribute of this cut. If you are a fan of coating your mouth with burnt rubber, sweet floral, and citrus than you are in luck. Furthermore, this will appeal to those who enjoy a rather unique flavor despite this cultivar being in the market for a more than a few years now. Adding the icing on the cake was the medicinal effects. Providing a moderate amount of potency, these effects were about as balanced as could be. Smokers who desire to get the full-package of mental, spiritual, and physical effects after a sesh are in luck. This cut of Gary did a great job keeping my mind at ease, enhancing creativity, and providing muscle relief simultaneously. In my opinion, this was arguably the favorite stuff so far I’ve been able to get my hands on from the North Shore boys so kudos to them for doing their thing on one of my all-time favorites. I should have a follow-up review for them on their Slurricane x Gelato 33 sometime in the near future.

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