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Cultivar Review: Honey Biscuit by The Kolektors x NYC Bud Busters

#honeybiscuit by @thekolektors x @kolektors_why_oze x @thekolektor x @the_nycbudbusters

Lineage/Genetics – Biscotti x Mai Thai 4

Original Breeder: The Kolektors

Grower: The Kolektors x NYC Bud Busters

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Honey Biscuit Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review by Letmeseewhatusmokin

honey biscuit by the kolektors x nyc bud busters strain review by letmeseewhatusmokin

@thekolektors Honey 🍯 Biscuit is the unique cross between Biscotti & Mai Thai 4. The nugs show a unique structure different than the typical Kolektor stash. The flower resembles biscotti anatomy, green stem leaves 🍃 mandarin color pistils, spider web color trichomes. Honey biscuit’s scent is a pinene, earthy pastry dough like aroma . The palate is a honey blend with wood oak, buttery fuel aftertaste. The taste is dominated by the pungent biscotti, caryophyllene earthy spice of Mai Thai. The effects start around 5-7 pulls in, bringing a medium level cerebral high. The heady high can last for about 1.5, overall high 2hrs. The ashes burned 60/40 more salt than pepper. The inhale consist of smoothness with a bitter fuel on the exhale 😮‍💨. Overall Honey biscuit has the appeal, the effects. The nose and palate match and compliment each other. I had the honey biscuit from the meet and greet party and compare to this one you can see the growth in structure & effects. Honey biscuit is a go to for those looking for that active, tasty & effective high. Shoutout to @thekolektors and @thenewyorkgrowerscup for the showcase, were I was able to scoop this gem. 4.5/5
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Honey Biscuit Review by Robbreefa

Honey biscuit(mai tai x biscotti) grown by @thekolektor & @kolektors_why_oze

Reefa rating :
Smell- ✅

Bigshout to @kolektors_why_oze for blessing me with this. Much love to the whole @thekolektors crew.

Smell- decadent doughy bakers bread and dried basil. Eucalyptus aroma on the backend.

Look- bright green frosted buds, fire orange hairs.

Smoke- smooth inhale and exhale in the beginning. As the smoke went along the exhale became more harsher but by that time the effects had begin to set in.

Taste- inhale has a tasty richness to it. Exhale was gassy and left me with a little tingling feeling on the palate.

High- enjoyable for sure! this had me relaxed but also allowed me to remain alert! Great for daytime smoking or smoking while trying to get things done. This is one of those that can provide the punch but won’t have you taking a nap before lunch.

Memorable- What made this memorable for me is the nose and taste mainly.

#thekolektors #kolektorwhyoze #honeybiscuitstrain #strainreviews #cannabiscommunity #robbreefa #reefaradio #explore #explorepage

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