Cultivar Review: Limonchello Haze by Private Organicz
Limonchello Haze by @privateorganicz
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Private Organicz
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Limonchello Haze Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Reefa rating:
Smell- ✅
Shoutout to the bro @privateorganicz for valuing my opinion
@privateorganicz has been killing things in NYS and he is only 19! This limonchello haze had a crazy citrus musk, like old lemons and tangerine, with a nutty chesse on the backend that you can really pick up in the taste of the smoke. This was an enjoyable smoke, from the moment I lit it to the time I put it out. I smoked this a couple times, once with my bros @1_link_m and @selfmadeboogie2 and another time for the wake and bake. Now my tolerance is pretty up there, so this one didn’t really get me high, it was just enough to make my eyes feel a lil weighed down, but my bro @1_link_m was high asf! When picking your smoke always keep in mind that what may not be something for you might be for someone else.
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