Cultivar Review: Motorbreath by Nature Always Wins
#motorbreath by @naturealreadywon
Bred by: Pisces Genetics @piscesgenetics
Grown by: Nature Always Wins
Lineage/Genetics – Chem D x SFV OG
Terpene PRofile: Unknown
Nature Always Wins Motorbreath Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Motorbreath or Motorbreath 15 is one of my all time favorite cultivars. The first time I tried her was around 2018-19 from Jungle Boys. I know get the chance to try from a different cultivator, unknown source from Maine. @naturealreadywon is curating top notch flavors like the @piscesgenetics Motor Breath. Motorbreath is the offspring of Chem D x SFV OG. The palate is the Chem D fuels spice combine with SFV earthiness,myrcene dominant terpene. The nose is one of those strong empty out the room diesel aroma. The scent and structure shows the resemblance of the OG lineage. The medium size nugs came in a @theslapsco design Mylar with a plastic tray inside. The buds had a Brussels sprouts color, Garnett sweet potatoes color pistils, ground sprinkles trichomes. The appeal is up to par and looks like previous Motorheads I’ve seen before. The effects are medium level cerebral and body high. It’s the perfect night and wake and bake smoke. In the night , it will knock you out. In the day time, it had me feeling creative, active and with the biggest munchies ever. The buzz starts around 4-5 pulls in, intense high for about 1hr and 10 min, fades of for a total of 2.5 hr – 3hr no 🧢. Motorbreath main features on the smoke experience is a heavy chest locker & couch locker depending on the mood. The ashes burned 50/50 on both elements & vibes papers. Overall the Motorbreath ✅ on the appeal 👌🏽 ✅ ✅ on the effects, scent and taste. The ashes didn’t burn the cleanest, but the smoke experience still memorable and enjoyable. Shoutout to @naturealreadywon for curating the finest herbs 🪴 and recommending this ⛽️. Motorbreath- 4.7/5
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