Cultivar Review: Purple Sour from GETHIGHWITHUS
Purple sour (purple kush x sour diesel) from @gethighwithus
Lineage/Genetics: Purple Kush x Sour Diesel
Original Breeder: Unknown
Terpene Profile:Unknown
Purple Sour Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Reefa Rating:
Memorable: ❎
Shoutout to @gethighwithusnycc for valuing my opinion🙏🏽🍃
Smell- funky berry earthy kush leaning fuel.
Look- dense dark purple hues covered with yellow-tan pistils
Smoke& taste- smoke was smooth on both exhale and inhale. The flavor was way more pronounced in the beginning then the end for me. I feel like towards the end it kinda lost it. A smokey pepper bitterness was all I was picking up towards the end but that could just be me.
High- head starts to feel heavier as a calmness takes over. Lasted for close to two hours
Memorable- was bad but also wasn’t something that stuck with me.
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