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Cultivar Review: Sour Diesel by Dorsia

#SourDiesel by @dorsia_dc2 x – review pt 2 on @futurolausa #rollingpapers

Lineage/Genetics: Karma Sour Bx2

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Unknown

Brand: Dorsia @dorsia_dc2 x

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Dorsia Sour Diesel Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Sour diesel is one of the cultivars that I grew up with as a teen when I started smoking. It was a love and hate situation, every time I smoke results were great high, bad after smell for the parents to ask questions. @dorsia_dc2 brought it back, with a Karma Sour back cross. Origins from @karmagenetics Sour Diesel Bx2. The smell is not the usual loud, it’s a less skunk more gas scent. It has this organic pine aroma. It can still empty a room.

The palate is woodsy pine 🌲, hints of pear candied citrus terps after taste. The nugs came in the og classic see thru box. Spinach and lime green buds with grapefruit color pistils. The effects were medium level cerebral high. A nice body high, perfecto 👌🏽 for a wake n bake. It’s not the type of flower that will leave you couch locked, more active and in a creative mood. The ashes burn more salt less pepper, clean on the @futurola paper. The smoke was smooth, closest thing to the original sour.

It’s not skunk Loud like the original Sour, but the high is similar and potent enough to enjoy this flower. Overall it’s a pleasant experience with this Sour diesel from @dorsia_dc2. I love the effects and the way it smoked. The high can last about 2- 3 hours . Highly recommend if you love want to step into a nostalgic experience with this cultivar. 4.8/5

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