Cultivar Review: Vietnamese Landrace (Soda Chahn) by First Cut Farms
This Vietnamese Landrace was my rare find of 2023. How I came to learn about it and how I finally came to smoke it are tales for another day. This review is about this bag. This bag called Soda chahn. Lime soda in Vietnam. This shit is crazyyy smelling. Terpinolene and ocimene. Like Haze’s Step Uncle from up in the mountains.
Lineage/Genetics: Vietnamese Landrace (Red River Valley)
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: First Cut Farms
Terpene Profile: Unknown
The Vietnamese Landrace is indiscribably bright. It has a little fizz. Honestly kind of like teg’s orange soda and pearadise had a golden child together that stepped into a But only at first. Underneath it has that pickled onion smell that i have only ever smelt in full force on landraces like Congolese. This is distinctly different than the single confirmed Thai landrace Cultivar I have smoked before. Not a traditional mango. Not very sweet. Lime is pretty close. But on the unripe calamnsi end of the lime spectrum. A ditch citrus, if you will. Gahhh damn.
Having talked to this landrace’s current American proponent – I happen to know it is from the red river valley. Apparently a neighbor’s wife’s friend brought it back in recent years.
What I hear from Asian tourism circles is that weed is pretty readily available to tourists in the country of Vietnam – but that high sure isn’t readily available in the states.
The high is euphoric. Energetic. Also body numbing. Very nice. Feels like a fresh morning but it is actually after midnight kind of high. Fingers moving hella fast on the keyboard kind of high.
Brown nugs that nobody would ever guess would smell like this.
I walked down the streets of New York City smoking this out of a newly purchased spoon because that’s what’s legal nowadays. The world has come so far and I can’t help but be a little happy that I was able to contribute to the city’s pollution with my loud, fruity second hand smoke.
So strikingly different than anything else on the menu or any other menu I’ve seen in any other store this year.
Very happy to have tried a Vietnamese landrace finally. Now the search continues. Chinese landrace, Japanese landrace, Korean landrace, Taiwanese landrace. Your flavors shall be introduced to the world.
First Cut Farms Vietnamese Landrace Review

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