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Cultivar Review: Walla Lava by Walla Packs x The Baked Bodega

Walla Lava by @wholelottawalla x @thebakedbodega

Lineage – lava cake x 41

Original Breeder/Grower: Whole Lotta Walla x The Baked Bodega

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Walla Lava Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

@wholelottawalla x @thebakedbodega come back with another flavor the Walla Lava. The Walla Lava is nothing to play with. I was able to get some nugs to review from the upcoming interview episode featuring the Man himself. The Nug was 1.7 gram full of trichome and lava color pistils, Brussels sprout 🌱 color leaves 🍃. The scent derives from a musky fuel, floral, gsc family scent. The palate is a sweet pungent myrcene , earthy gas fuel terpinolene, after taste of the limonene. It’s like tasting alava cake with sour tart finish. The effects are medium intense level high. Followed by a body high, eyes low, cotton mouth . The high can last about 2 hours or more. The first sesh was great, but the second excel and perfected this smoking experience. The ashes burn more salt than pepper. It had a smooth inhale towards the beginning of the sesh and a bit harsh towards the end. Overall still enjoyed it due the effects, unique taste with the sweetness of the lava and dankness of the 41. @thebakedbodega @wholelottawalla are here to stay with this lineup. Wallabeez was great, big apple had the amazing unique palate and scent. This plant is up par with both . It doesn’t smoke better than Wallabeez or big apple but the effects, taste & appearance is worth the try. Shoutout to the @wholelottawalla team and @thebakedbodega for the consistency.

Stay tuned to Get your Mind right episode coming soon.. — Walla Lava – 4.5/5
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