Cultivar Review: Zcubed by BTY x Heisenbern x Terplandia
Zcubed aka Super Zkittlez (zkittlez x zkittlez x (zkittlez x eddy lep og) ) by @btyzcube @_heisenbern_ @_terplandia_
Lineage/Genetics: Zkittlez x Zkittlez x Zkittlez x Eddy Lepp OG
Original Breeder: Unknown
Brand: BTY x Heisenbern x Terplandia
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Zcubed Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review by Robbreefa
Reefa rating:
Smell- ✅
Shoutout to @167exotics
Iight so I’m starting to learn more about growing now so bear with me as I can’t really tell you many differences between coco grown and regular soil. Best thing I’d say is do your googles unless I got some who want to break it down in the comments??lol.
Though it might just be a marketing tactic,,,what I will say is regardless what is was grown in my experience this time around was 3x better,,,and that’s just me! I had it once with the homies and another time for a wake and bake (which I feel is the best way to do reviews), both times was smooth relaxed approach to the high. It’s as if the smoke was lung friendly 🤣. Great punch off sweet zest on the inhale followed by a peppery exhale. I recommend you get you some n see what I mean🤙🏾🍃🍃🍃
#robbreefa #reefaradio #btyzcubed #bty #terplandia
#strainreview #cannabiscommunity #explore #explorepage #167exotics
ZCubed Cannbais Cultivar (Strain) Review by TheCannaisseurKing
⛽️💤 BTY Z-Cubed : (ZOZ x OZK) @btyzcube @_terplandia_ @916candleslit @straightstacked
zCubed back like she never left ! Glad to have gotten my hands on her when I did! Super fire and real happy to give you guys an updated review ! Crack the bag and the essence of gas Lingers up to the nostrils till you get up close and smell a smooth sweet Zkittles nose with a heavy cream dank
Aroma surrounding it ! Dense and really bright green with hints of orange nugs that remind you of Zkittles but it’s just roided up for sure ! The density breaks up perfectly and ground up with a super stank aroma of heavy Zkittles! Rolled a couple nice chops with @theriptip ! Airflow had this sweet tang of a heavy Zkittles terp! Sparked up instantly, quality is A1 ! First few rips, white ashes and formed an oil ring ! Smooth inhales , smooth exhales with a very slow creep up choke! She’s got that sweet zkittle terp and towards the middle you start tasting it want up a little, it gets a little more potent and a little more tang sweet gas ! Gets stronger each hit towards the end leaving you choking and with heavy eyes! Definitely a must have when you can have it! Definitely one of my pops favorites and that’s a bold statement ! @916candleslit @_terplandia_ NOT FOR SALE REVIEW ONLY #BetterThanYours #BlessTheYesca #BestTerpsYerrrr #WhatsNext? #HighMart #HoodSaver #Sinaloa #Churros #StayTuned #HugeMoves #BigCollabs #ExclusiveTerps #SacTown #SacOnTheMap #HowDoYouLikeThemApples #FREE #Heisenbern #Terplandia #zCube #TheOriginalZ #Fieldz #SantaCruzShredder #Preferred #TERPS #Zzz #Sleepin #KINGS #TheOriginal #King #Cannsaurus👑🦖
Part 1
🌈💤 BTY zCubed aka “Super Zkittles” – @_heisenbern_
@btyzcube @cgo_lyfestyle @cadre.verde
Not sure how this batch was done, didn’t get any specifics but this is what real clean weed burns like! Amazing quality! Straight out of the personal pack! Was a pleasure finally meeting you @_heisenbern_ this time around the nose is that classic sweet Zkittles but it’s soft, light, and just a little bit more of a subtle sweet cloud! Beautiful green ugly Zkittles/OZK look to the nugs 🥰 she was cured just right! Perfect break up , and the nose couldn’t have gotten more sweeter. Reminded me of smarties… 😮💨🍬 rolled up nice. Soft airyish nugs with a light density had the weed poofy but sticky! Rolled up a perfect bat with my spare BTY tip 😤 airflow I shit you not, I got a super light hint of that same funk I got from BlueZushi! I was tasting the airflow for a minute tasting that airy creamy sweet cloud of Zkittles with a noticeable funky slight gas it that reminded stank aroma of BluZu! I was freaking out lmfao cause I knew it. I’m not crazy ya’ll 💤 somewhat the same experience the first time I tried it with @cgo_lyfestyle 🙏🏽💯👏🏽😮💨 sparked her up twice and you know fucking with @cadre.verde and @_heisenbern_ their quality is undeniable ! Amazing spark up, didn’t have to wait at all. Instant white ashes and while the AC was blowin, we had her drippin wet 😝 she couldn’t resist the hits each rotation type shit 😂😂 First few inhales were smooth and exhales were smooth but that’s me taking light hits tbh, was tryna let her marinate as much as possible ahaha but the hits progressively got strong and more potent. Started coughing a lot more towards the middle like always, but she definitely opens up and shows her potential in how potent each hit was 💯 super tasty, got a definite Zkittles gas, the choke had this slight gas background, really this creamy sweet barely gas but heavy potency! I believe this was before @napacookies , we were set right @916candleslit ! #BTY #Heisenberg #Berner #OfSac #SacTown #Worldwide #BigMoves #WhatsNext? #Reviewer #Cam #CGO #PAID #StackAndChase #GotTheJuice #YouKnowThe #Vibes #DontBeUh #HashHole #Kings #TheOriginal #Cannasaurus👑🦖