ConcentratesHash RosinLive RosinMarijuanaOregonReviewsSolventless

Concentrate Review: Chem 91 Live Rosin by B.A. Botanicals

This Chem 91 (91 Chemdog) live hash rosin from B.A. Botanicals had a strong sweet gassy nose with a very potent cheesy funk to it that I really enjoyed ⛽🧀 The rosin had a light color to it and the texture was amazing on this wet badder 💦

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Grower/Processor: B.A. Botanicals

Chem 91 Live Hash Rosin Review

The flavor was strong gassy funk with some nice sweetness to it 😋 The Chem 91 dabbed pretty smooth with just some minor harshness and gave me quite a bit of that nose tingle I often find in gassy profiles.

The high was very stoney in my head giving me that almost stupefying feeling along with a headband effect which spread to my cheeks and throughout my body giving me intense full body relaxation and couch lock. I tend to be pretty functional when using cannabis, so when people tell me “don’t try this stuff before you have something to do” I usually just laugh and say “ok sure”. This stuff was potent even for me though 🤯 On one occasion it had me sitting in a comfy bean bag chair instead of cooking dinner 😅 and when I did get up, I was so distracted I had to refill my boiling pot of water twice 😂😂

Overall, I was very impressed with the first live rosin drop from B.A. Botanicals 👍🏼 The gassy funky profile paired with the mind numbing effects were very nice. Chemdawg strains can be totally hit or miss for me and this one was a hit for sure 🎯

Made 12/15/21

Tested 12/28/21 Chemhistory

This review was sponsored by B.A. Botanicals

Honest Reviews 🕵️

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Hi! My name is Ryan and I do honest product reviews for the Oregon cannabis industry under the brand The Sophisticated Dabber. I've doing doing product reviews in Oregon for the last few years now and I have been a cannabis consumer/patient in Oregon for almost 19 years. I run a blog on IG @thesophisticateddabber and also make dab tools with hand turned wooden handles @sophisticateddabtools . Hope you enjoy my reviews!

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The Sophisticated Dabber

Hi! My name is Ryan and I do honest product reviews for the Oregon cannabis industry under the brand The Sophisticated Dabber. I've doing doing product reviews in Oregon for the last few years now and I have been a cannabis consumer/patient in Oregon for almost 19 years. I run a blog on IG @thesophisticateddabber and also make dab tools with hand turned wooden handles @sophisticateddabtools . Hope you enjoy my reviews!

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