Dab Review: Gelato Cake Rosin by Soiku Bano
Gelato Cake rosin from the fine people at @soiku.bano 😎
Lineage/Genetics: Wedding Cake x Gelato #33
Original Breeder: Elev8 Seeds
Processor: Soiku Bano
Gelato Cake Rosin Review
Coming in at 80% THC, this stuff will put you down 😂.
It’s very full-bodied and relaxing!
This cut of Gelato Cake is everything right with the strain, mixing Gelato and Wedding Cake’s unique funky flavors and heavy body effects perfectly.
I also really like the stability of this rosin, which can sit out for hours or days at room temp without losing any terps 👏.
#cannabiscommunity #rosin #mmj
Check out more reviews by @austnpickett on Instagram! (www.instagram.com/austnpickett)