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Dab Review: Gorilla Dosha #3 Live Rosin by 710 Labs

GORILLA DOSHA #3 🐒 strain

Lineage/Genetics: GG#4Dos Si do

Original Breeder: 710 Labs

Grower/Processor: 710 Labs @710labs

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Gorilla Dosha #3 Live Rosin Review

gorilla dosha #3 live rosin by 710 labs dab review by wl_official619NOSE: DIESEL COOKIE ⛽️🍪👃🏼

STYLE: LIVE ROSIN 🍯 consistency & texture consistent with jelly-like badder. I prefer this consistency- I personally believe you get more taste profile from the concentrate 🏺

EFFECTS: Heavy body high, slow motor function. Perfect for insomnia or late night shut off 💤 minor cerebral effects and the mood felt very calm & serene 🤫

TASTE PROFILE:SWEET BISCUIT, creamy/earthy terp finish on the lips👄 freshness throughout the exhale makes you feel great about what your smoking💨

GRADE: 8/10

No secret here, @710labs crossing two hitters to make a well crafted Live Rosin. The hardest part about smoking 710 is not finishing it in one night. Give this a try on a solo night where you munch out and embrace the calming energy this brings 🔥

I care about what YOU smoke‼️ let me know what your dabbin on 🍯


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