Cannabis InfusedEdiblesGummiesReviewsVegan

Edible Review: Cherry Lemonade Piff Vegan Gummies by House of Piff

#piffgummies cherry lemonade vegan gummies by @houseofpiffny

Brand: House of Piff

Cherry Lemonade Piff Gummies Review

@houseofpiffny come back again with some Cherry Lemonade – 500 mg – 10 pieces of “Piff Gummies”. I am bit under the weather and decided not too smoke. I decided to review some edibles in the meantime. The cubed lemon 🍋 cherry vegan gummies had a great taste. It’s a sour infused lemon 🍋 cherry blend.

The flower is barely tasted on the candy. The dosage requires to take half a gummies and increase the dosage every 1-2 hour. I took two on the first dive around 10am – I started feeling the high about an hour later. I took two based on my tolerance.

The effects crept in on a medium low cerebral and body high. I felt the heady high for about 40 mins and then it started fading on and off for the next 4 hours. It wasn’t a Comatose high, but when it set in I felt the euphoric vibes.

These piff gummies are a great substitute for a day to relax the lungs or for a person that enjoys edibles. I also feel it’s perfect for those that don’t want to taste that cannabis flavor on their edibles. Shoutout to @houseofpiffny for giving me the opportunity to give my feedback on this tasty sweet snack .. piff gummies – 4/5
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