Edible Review: Extra Toasted Coconut Chocolate Bar by Cosmo D’s Outrageous Edibles
Cosmo D’s Chocolate Bar
From @red_door_remedies
Processor: Cosmo D’s Outrageous Edibles
Dispensary: Red Door Remedies
I dropped in to @red_door_remedies and upon looking over their menu a brand that has recently struck my eye in the edibile department, @cosmos_edibles @cosmo_ds are a Santa Cruz based company that pumps out numerous delicious sounding treats such as Cosmic Berry Crunch, Hazy Hazelnut and Snickerdoodle so I took advantage of their deal of buy any cosmos d chocolate and get a snickerdoodle for a buck.
As soon as I returned my rental I opened the anti child lock packaged bar to a velvety purple wrapper, I excitedly Agustuslike tore it open to reveal a bar mixed with dark and white chocolate and coconut flakes and tiny little flavorful caramel morsels finish it off so elegantly.
The taste is phenominal, creamy,milky and just melts as soon as it hits my mouth, I can barely taste the coconut,the blend of chocolate and sweetness meshes together with a perfect cannabis flavor not to powerful not to weak just perfectly balanced.
I make my way through security and into the terminal, 30 minutes goes by and they begin to board the airplane.
The flight attendants are going through their spiel and bam that first peaking wave began slowly building as take off comes near
As soon as we were in the air I was just stuck, I could feel the effects all the way into my fingers, eyes heavy and struggling to keep them open, this is deffinetly one of those edibles that your either moving or stationary if you go from moving to stationary good luck escaping the hold on the train straight to weed nap time!
I awoke in Denver after a stop at San Diego, the stone began at around the hour mark and hit heavy around 10:45 ish which was perfect timing for the take off of the airplane, the effects set in strong and could easily give someone new to edibles a bad experience so start slow and eat a square and see where it takes you, also what is on your stomach will determine how an edible may hit you. I went on an empty stomach and probably could have had a small light breakfast before hand. The taste was perfect and it allowed me to sleep on my flight. The effects began to teeter off around the 6 hour mark.
All in all this was a tasty potent product, that met my standards in an edible, I would definitely reccomend it to anyone thatbis looking for a long lasting ride on the chocolate rocket ship!

Cosmo D Chocolate Bar Review

Check out more reviews by @cannasaurus_rex_reviews on Instagram! (www.instagram.com/cannasaurus_rex_reviews)
How much did you consume before the flight, it says on wrapper 12 pieces its like 60g? What happened to the remaining pieces?
I consumed the whole bar, I have a very heavy tolerance and it takes around 100 MG for a edible to work on myself.
also that is the net weight of the chocolate not the dosage strength your reading